marraskuuta 30, 2009

Tähtivieraita Lähiradiossa

Nämä kaksi uutta Ganestarinaa ovat hedelmiä Lähiradiossa nauhoitetusta materiaalista, vieraina Joke Linnamaa ja Richard Stanley.
Miehillä on paljon kerrottavaa, Hurriganeshan oli pitkään suorastaan ilmiö, joten lisää pätkiä on tiedossa.
Melko uutena tuolta alempaa oikealta löytyy myös Ken Hensleyn songwriting class, joka sinänsä on melko ainutkertaista materiaalia. Kyseessä on sentään maailmantähti, joka antoi aikaansa ja asiantuntemustaan ihan tavallisille tallaajille, kuka tahansa sai osallistua, vaikkei olisi soittanut tai laulanut ennen.
Mielenkiintoisia katselu- ja kuunteluhetkiä!


marraskuuta 17, 2009

A man with a big heart (written 19th of August 2009)

If this was written by T-J, it would go: Ken Hensley, a man, who has made so much wonderful music, for example July morning, Lady in Black and The Wizard (Just because he has so much more knowledge, and he would write an wide-range artical about the past & the future)... But since I'm here writing it, it goes:

Last night I saw and heard something unusual.
There was this man in Lähiradio, who told us (The people in the studio and everyone who was listening that program from the radio) that he is helping animals, disabled children and musicians, who can't survive on their own.. Why, you ask? Because he loves animals, wants to make those children feel loved and cares for fellow musicians.

He also told us, that he's giving people a chance to make music, even if they can't sing, write notes or play anything, there is a small payment for it, but all the money goes to charity and he is giving his time for free.. Why, you ask?
Because when he learned to play, he did it the wrong way and he wants to help those, who are struggling with the same problems and because he thinks there is a song in everyone.

As I was listening him, I could not help thinking: There's a man who has grown, who understands what's important and what's not, who sleeps well because he lives his life not hurting other
There is a man with a big heart.

But then, you don't have to take my word for it, check it out yourself... Right there on the left,down there, just click your mouse and see...

( I wrote this August 19th, I just moved it here from RadioKontula)

marraskuuta 09, 2009

Uutta materiaalia!

Viimein saatiin Ken Hensleyn songwriting class teille tänne katsottavaksi, sitä oli jo odotettu.
Lisäksi tarjolla olisi kaksi tallennetta Kepa Salmirinteen kuulumisia ja ehkä myös hieman elämänfilosofiaakin. Kyseessähän on Zero Nine-yhtyeen laulajana tutuksi tullut mies, kuten kaikki muistamme. Bändi on tehnyt levyn ja oli sen tiimoilta kekalla Virgin Oil-nimisessä ravitsemusliikkeessä. Suosittelen lämpimästi katsomaan.