lokakuuta 13, 2009

Over the Rainbow 10.10.2009 at Kultturitalo (House of Culture)

I was amazed how small drum kit Bobby Rondinelli had, but after he played old thruth come to my mind, sound and skill of player is more important than large kit !!

Paul Morris was in keys and did professional job, he was playing like a brick in the wall. Also bassist Greg Smith was very good.

Joe Lynn was in "Good mood" and was chatting and telling stories between songs, unfortunately rented backline was giving feedback and house mixer was not up to task and could not handle feedback and was messing sound anyway overall during concert here and there. Joe started to lose his voice towards end of concert, no wonder cause songs by Dio and Bonnet are hard for voice. Many of the songs were performed in a little lower key than originals.

Jurgen was playing black Jackson (and white Stratocaster in "Gates" what really cut throught mix, pity he did play it only one song). There was 2 modern Marshall Stacks what were not on. My cousin who is skilled technician (he does my amp maintenance jobs) said that there were roadie behind stacks adjusting what maybe was amp and stacks lower cabined was miked so maybe it was used, Jurgen also went few times there. As I wrote before mixer was missing mix includung guitar sound here and there. For effects he had two knob floor unit what might be multi-effect, as we heard he used mild Delay or Chorus (or both) on solos and sometimes during songs. It was nice to see that he played with his own influencies and style.

Lenght of the concert was about 2 hours

Set list:

Tarot Woman
Kill the King
Cant Let You Go
All Night Long
Death Alley Driver
Keyboard Solo (Paul Morris)
Eyes Of The World-guitar Solo (Jurgen)-Eyes Of The World
Wolf To The Moon
I Surrender
Man On The Silver Mountain
Vocal piece (Joe Lynn)
Jelous Lover
Drum Solo (Bobby)
Long Live Rock n´Roll
-Encore 1
Gates Of Babylon
-Encore 2
Since You Been Gone
Guitar/Keyboard Duel (Paul/ Jurgen)
Cant Happen Here

Kirjoittanut Kari Rastas

lokakuuta 10, 2009

Uusi sarja koskien suomalaisia kitaristeja

Tänään lauantaina 15.10 saimme viimein lyötyä alkutahdit uudelle sarjalle KontulaRocks-sivustolla. Sarja kertoo suomalaisten kitaristien omasta elämästä ja ajatuksista musiikin tilasta eilen ja tänään. Lyhyillä ja selkeillä kysymyksillä luomme katselijoillemme mielikuvaa persoonista jotka taidoillaan hurmaavat kuulijansa niin äänilevyillä kuin elävän musiikin esityksissäkin. Ensimmäisenä esittelyvuorossa on maailmankuulussa Wishbone Ash-yhtyeessäkin soittanut kitaristi Ben Granfelt. Ben on ollut mukana myös Leningrad Cowboysissa, Gringos Locosissa ja Guitar Slingersissä. Viime vuodet hän on vienyt eteenpäin niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin laadukasta yhtyettä nimeltä Ben Granfelf Band. Ohessa mahdollisuus tutustua videolta Beniin myös henkilönä. Lisää kotimaisia kitaristeja luvassa vielä syksyn aikana useampia. Voitte myös ehdottaa kitaristeja joita toivotte meidän tuovan ohjelmassa esiin.